
About Us

DinkumDoc is a telehealth platform that is changing the way Australians get medical consultations, e-prescriptions, online medical certificates, and referrals to specialists from the comfort of their own homes rather than having to go to a doctor’s office and wait in line with other sick patients. DinkumDoc also eliminates the requirement for patients to obtain online medical certificates through video consultation
DinkumDoc is also transforming the way general practitioners (GPs) practice. General practitioners can now work from home and provide services to patients all over Australia, improving access to medical care in rural and remote areas. DinkumDoc also provides 100% Medicare billing, allowing general practitioners to increase their income by up to 30% while doing the same amount of work more efficiently.

The following are some of the advantages of using DinkumDoc:

Those who are ill should:

Patients can consult with a medical professional at any time of day or night from the comfort of their own homes.
Patients may be able to save money on travel and parking expenses, and they may also be eligible for Medicare rebates.
The infection risk is reduced. Because of the sterile environment, patients visiting a doctor’s office have a lower risk of contracting an infection.
Access to a broader range of specialists: Patients can now consult specialists from different parts of Australia without traveling.

General Practitioners (GPs):

Accessibility: general practitioners near me offer patients the flexibility to schedule appointments from the comfort of their homes at times that suit their convenience.
By avoiding the daily commute to and from a doctor’s office, you can achieve a better work-life balance. This will assist general practitioners in reducing stress and improving their ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
DinkumDoc is committed to providing all Australians with high-quality healthcare that is also affordable and convenient.

The way DinkumDoc is transforming Australia's healthcare system

DinkumDoc is bringing about several changes in Australia’s healthcare system. For starters, it expands patients’ access to healthcare and increases their convenience. DinkumDoc removes the barriers that prevent some people from seeking medical care by allowing patients to see a doctor without leaving the comfort of their own homes.
Second, DinkumDoc makes it easier for people to access medical care, particularly in rural and remote areas of Australia. DinkumDoc helps to close the healthcare gap between urban and rural areas by allowing general practitioners to work from the comfort of their own homes and serve patients all over Australia.
Third, DinkumDoc helps patients save money on medical care. DinkumDoc allows patients to see a doctor without paying any out-of-pocket expenses by billing their Medicare costs at 100%.
DinkumDoc contributes significantly to the overall reform of Australia’s healthcare system by making it more accessible, convenient, and affordable for all Australians. DinkumDoc was established in 2023 in response to the pandemic.